God Loves You

No Exceptions

The church should be a safe place for all voices, especially those that have been traditionally silenced, not just because it is the respectful and loving thing to do, but because we need each voice. We want to hear every voice, not just because everyone has a right to be heard, but because every voice potentially opens our ears to the ways we are deaf to the needs of others and to a deeper commitment to God’s mission. The mission of the Church is diminished when we remain silent and when we do anything to silence others.

God loves you


No exceptions


Love your neighbor


No exceptions


God loves you ~ No exceptions ~ Love your neighbor ~ No exceptions ~

Sunday Worship Service Schedule

8am contemplative with piano
9:15am family service with band
11am service with organ & choir

Online Worship available at 6am

Click here for the Sunday Resource Page.

Click here for a description of each of the services.

Join us

Annual Parish Meeting

Sunday, February 23, 10am

Saint Timothy’s
at the Well

our online Sunday worship service

The Sunday after the suspension of our public worship services in March 2020, we began an online Sunday service "at the well." As the Samaritan woman encountered Jesus at Jacob’s well, we have gathered here to drink the "living water" Jesus offers. This online service continues even though we now have in-person services. Each service is a recorded worship service of Word, Prayers, and Music. They are posted by 6:00am each Sunday.

Prefer to listen? Find our new podcast “An Echo from The Well” on Spotify

God loves you


No exceptions


Love your neighbor


No exceptions


God loves you ~ No exceptions ~ Love your neighbor ~ No exceptions ~

 Upcoming Events

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In a lonely world, we help imagine an alternative: a neighborhood where every person is connected to God and other people. How do we do this? Sunday through Saturday we proclaim that God loves everyone - no exceptions. And what we proclaim we try to live. We confess that we often don't do what we proclaim and are grateful for God's endless patience.