The Holy Eucharist
Saint Timothy’s offers three Sunday morning services weekly. We believe it is important to gather around God’s table as often as we are able to partake in The Great Thanksgiving. We gather around the altar, facing one another, acknowledging the God in all of our neighbors. Everyone is welcome at our table because it is Jesus who calls.
Click here for a definition of Eucharist from The Episcopal Church.
8:00am Worship Service
Using traditional language, this contemplative service has a sermon, Holy Communion, and a closing hymn and postlude. Join others early on a Sunday morning to reorient yourself for the week ahead.
If you have questions about this service,
email The Rev. Roger at RogerG@SaintTimothys.com
9:15am Worship Service
This lively service changes location throughout the year. The service includes a children’s sermon, an adult sermon, Holy Communion, and contemporary music led by the Worship Band. Children of all ages participate in the service as readers and acolytes. Although many very young children stay with their parents throughout the entire service, childcare is available in the nursery.
If you have questions about this service,
email The Rev. Alice at AliceC@SaintTimothys.com
11:00am Worship Service
Having a more contemplative atmosphere than the 9:15 service, this service includes a children’s sermon, an adult sermon, Holy Communion, hymns, and adult choir, September through May. Gifted soloists and instrumentalists also participate in this service on a regular basis. Music is more traditional than at 9:15, but includes a wide variety of musical traditions. Childcare is available in the nursery.
If you have questions about this service,
email The Rev. Brad at BradG@SaintTimothys.com