Worship & Music
Participating in the Worship Service is a great way to connect with God in a deeper way. Music cuts straight to the heart in ways mere words are unable. It’s an important aspect of our worship as Anglicans and we have a variety of ways to express our praise. There are a variety of ways to serve at the altar and elsewhere.

Altar Guild
Kara O. karazowens@gmail.com
The Altar Guild is a fantastic way to participate in something ancient without being in front of a big crowd, like you might as a reader. Because this group is behind the scenes most often, many people don’t realize what they do. Here, you can watch Kara describe what it’s like to be on Altar Guild.
Worship Participants
Sami H. samih@sainttimothys.com
There are so many jobs during our various worship services that are unable to be accomplished by the priest alone. Whether a chalice bearer (the person who shares the wine) or an intercessor (the person who leads the community’s prayers), there are options for everyone of every age.
11am Sanctuary Choir & Instrumentalists
Andrew M. andrewm@sainttimothys.com
The Sanctuary Choir is open to all parishioners, high school age and older, who value music in our worship and have a talent for singing. The Choir enhances our worship with a wide variety of choral music at our weekly 11:00am worship service and at other special services. Traditional Anglican music is heard alongside other styles of choral music such as Gospel and the great wealth of spiritual music from the African-American tradition. The Choir rehearses on the Sunday mornings that the Sanctuary Choir sings. There are no regularly scheduled weekday rehearsals.
9:15am Worship Band
Wayne L. wluessen@gmail.com
This group of instrumentalists, typically made up of instruments such as guitars, piano, percussion, woodwinds, and strings, joins a volunteer group of singers to help lead worship songs and provide musical offerings at the 9:15am service. They rehearse just before the beginning of the service.
Bell Choir
Janet D. janetdavidson3@gmail.com
These musicians meet and practice seasonally at a time that works best for everyone. Directed by Janet, who has decades of music experience, this group plays on holidays and at various points throughout the year. Can’t read music? No problem. Janet will walk you through everything you need to know.
St. Timothy’s Organ
Click here to read about the beautiful organ that graces our Worship Space.