
As an Episcopal Church, we are part of multiple groups. Find out more below.

The Episcopal Diocese of Southern Ohio

Bishop (provisional): The Rt. Rev. Wayne Smith

Vision: A church focused outside our doors, loving and serving Jesus Christ in our beloved communities in relevant ways, both new and traditional.

Mission: Christ is calling us into meaningful connections with each other that transcend all boundaries, and to act on those connections for the benefit of all. By these connections we are made whole.

Click here for the definition of “diocese”.

The Episcopal Church

or The Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America

Presiding Bishop: The Most Rev. Michael Curry

The Episcopal Church welcomes all who worship Jesus Christ, in 111 dioceses and regional areas in 17 nations.

The mission of the church, as stated in the Book of Common Prayer’s catechism (p. 855), is “to restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ.”

For the Episcopal Church, the Jesus Movement calls us to focus on three specific Priorities:

Listen for Jesus’ movement in our lives and in the world. Give thanks. Proclaim and celebrate it! Invite the Spirit to do the rest.

Embody the loving, liberating, life-giving way of Jesus with each other.

Encounter and honor the face of God in creation.

The Anglican Communion

Archbishop of Canterbury: Archbishop Justin Welby

As followers of Jesus Christ, Christians are sent into the world to live lives inspired by his love and teaching and to bring that transforming and sacrificial love into all aspects of society.

They invite others to find faith and follow Jesus as disciples, inspired to live a "Jesus Shaped Life".

This work of mission is encapsulated in the Anglican Communion’s Five Marks of Mission:

The mission of the Church is the mission of Christ:

  1. To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom

  2. To teach, baptise and nurture new believers

  3. To respond to human need by loving service

  4. To transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and pursue peace and reconciliation

  5. To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain and renew the life of the earth