Since 1956, we have been striving to help God create a world where everyone is cherished, no exceptions.
In January, 1956, a small group of persons met at the Church of the Redeemer, Cincinnati, to explore the establishment of an Episcopal parish in the Mt. Washington-Anderson Township area. Under the leadership of the Rt. Reverend David Thornberry, then Archdeacon of the Diocese of Southern Ohio, and Capt. William Paddock of the Church Army, a broad study was made, and interest justified the formation of a new Mission - St. Timothy’s.
A congregational meeting of the mission was held April 19, 1956, with Archdeacon Thornberry presiding. The meeting paved the way for the appointment of an Executive Committee. On April 22, 1956, Palm Sunday, the first communion service of St. Timothy’s Mission was celebrated in the cafeteria of the Anderson Township High School, Archdeacon Thornberry officiating. A meeting after the service adopted the name St. Timothy. Next, the decision was made to locate the future building of the mission on 28 acres of ground purchased by the diocese, on the south side of Beechmont Avenue at Nagel Road.
In September, 1956, The Rev. John Wesley Bishop accepted a call as Vicar of the mission, conducting his first service there on November 3, 1956. A Plans Committee for the new church building was appointed in February, 1957. They were soon authorized to begin planning for a church facility to serve about 1,000 persons at a cost of about $110,000, the architectural style to be conservative - contemporary.
A ground - breaking ceremony for the Fellowship Hall was held April 20, 1958, and the cornerstone laid in November, 1958. The first service in the new building was held January 19, 1959, and it was dedicated by the Rt. Rev. Henry Hobson, then Bishop of this diocese.
Meanwhile significant events were occurring in the life of the mission: the first children of the mission were baptized in January, 1957 and the first Confirmation was held in May, while the congregation was still meeting at Anderson High School. The mission grew both in membership and spirit, reaching out to meet the needs of the surrounding community. In May, 1963, the mission attained the status of a full parish, and the Executive Committee became the Vestry and Rev. Bishop was installed as Rector of the parish.
The planning and building of the new Sanctuary began in 1965. Dedicated by the Rt. Rev. Roger Blanchard on April 28, 1968, the building had a great impact on both the congregation and the community.
After Rev. Bishop accepted the challenge of a call to St. Thomas Church, Rochester, New York in October, 1971, the Rev. Roger Nichols served as Interim Priest. The Rev. Thomas Webster accepted a call to be the second Rector of St. Timothy’s and was installed in July, 1972. He served and supported this diocese until accepting a call as Rector of Christ Church, Kent, Ohio in September, 1980. The Rev. O. Worth served as Interim Priest until the calling of Rev. Bert Hatch in May, 1981.
A look at where we’ve been…